Voter Information:
Who Can Vote?
To be eligible to vote, you
- Must be United States citizen
- Must be age 18 or older by Election Day
- Must be a resident in the Town of Plymouth for at least 28 consecutive days before an election
- Must not be disqualified from voting under Wis. Stat. § 6.03, including, but not limited to:
- Being convicted of felony and still serving terms of the sentence
- Adjudicated Incompetent
- Placed a bet or wager on the outcome of the election
How Do I Register To Vote?
Wisconsin requires voter registration prior to a person being allowed to vote. You must provide proof of residence.
You have 4 options to register:
You have 4 options to register:
- State Website: MyVote Wisconsin
- By Mail
- In Person
- At the Polling Place on Election Day.
How to register:
- Go to MyVote and follow the instructions, or complete the Voter Registration Application found on the Wisconsin Elections Commission website.
- Return the completed Application to your town clerk with your proof of residence.
- You may go in person to the Town Clerk’s office and register no later than 5:00 p.m. on the FRIDAY before the election providing the identification and proof of residence.
When Can I Vote?
Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm on election day.
Voter Photo ID
Wisconsin law requires voters to show an acceptable photo ID to vote. An acceptable photo ID will be required before receiving a ballot.
To obtain a free ID for voting, go to the Voter ID petition page of the Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation website.
Please note: The address on your ID doesn’t have to be current and the name on your ID doesn’t need to be an exact match for your name in the poll book. (So, Richards who go by Rich, Bobs who are also Roberts and Susans with IDs that say Sue can relax.) Of course, there are certain requirements. Your ID should look like you, even if you’ve colored your hair, shaved your beard or lost some weight.
How do I Vote Absentee?
Any qualified elector (U.S. citizen, 18 years of age, who has resided in the district in which he or she intends to vote for at least 28 days) who registers to vote is eligible to request an absentee ballot. Under Wisconsin law, voters do not need a reason or excuse, such as being out of town on Election Day, to vote absentee. Any voter who prefers to vote by absentee ballot may request one. You have several options for requesting an absentee ballot and casting your vote.
You can request an Absentee Ballot by going to MyVote and clicking on the Vote Absentee tab. You can also request an Absentee Ballot by contacting Plymouth Town Clerk by mail, e-mail, online or by fax. YOU MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF YOUR PHOTO ID the first time you request an absentee ballot. For more information on absentee voting and how to request an Absentee Ballot, visit
Note: No ballots may be taken from the clerk's office.
Where Do I Vote?
Town of Plymouth residents vote at the Plymouth Town Hall located at 8219 High St. in unincorporated Hanover, WI. Official address is listed as 8219 High St., Orfordville, WI 53576.
More Election Information can be found at:
- Voter Information from the Rock County Clerk's Office
- Wisconsin Elections Commission
- Wisconsin Ethics Commission
Voting and Election Information
To check the status of your absentee ballot or check your voter history
- Please visit:
Wisconsin Elections and Ethics Commissions
The Wisconsin Elections Commission and Wisconsin Ethics Commission have voter and candidate forms available for download on their websites. Below are links to some of the most requested forms.