County Resources
- Plymouth Property Division Maps
- Town Zoning Map
- Rock County Land Records
- Rock County Tax Database
- Rock County Official Directory
County Clerk - The County Clerk is responsible for programming elections, preparing ballots, tabulating results and ensuring accuracy of all County-wide elections. This site provides information on voter registration, voting by absentee ballot, election results, and other election information. This office issues marriage licenses, hunting and fishing licenses, work permits, and is an agent for accepting passport applications.
County Treasurer - The County Treasurer's office maintains property tax records and is responsible for the collection of property taxes. The tax database allows searching of current and past taxes by address, parcel #, or tax ID #.
Real Property - The Real Property Description Department is responsible for preparing and maintaining accurate ownership and description information on parcels of real property in the county for the use of taxation district assessors, city, village and town clerks and treasurers, county offices, and any other persons requiring that information. Property division maps of municipalities are presented in sections, quarter sections, and quarter quarter section format.
State Resources
Wisconsin Elections Commission -Main Portal for all election information
Wisconsin Ethics Commission -Main Portal for the administration of state laws regarding campaign finance, ethics and lobbying.
Wisconsin Department of Revenue -Main Portal for property tax forms and questions
Wisconsin Recycles - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' waste and materials management information
Wisconsin State Legistature - Main portal of the Wiscosnin Legistature provides links to Senate and Assemby activity, Wisconsin Statutes, Wisconsin Blue Book, status of bills, legistative support agencies
Wisconsin Towns Association - a statewide, voluntary, non-profit and non-partisan association of member town and village governments in the State of Wisconsin
Federal Resources
United States Government - U.S. Government's official web portal provides one stop shopping for all federal government information on the web.